Arri Alexa Mini LF: Large format, small camera

Towards the beginning of 2018, ARRI announced that it would be releasing it’s new Alexa Mini LF which takes the popular Alexa Mini body and equips it with ARRI’s large format sensors, “large format, small camera” as ARRI has marketed. This will...

Time Lapse of the Sun

This time lapse shows the sun up close and personal… On the 21st of February 2015, NASA celebrated their Solar Dynamics Observatory’s 5th year in space by releasing this amazing time lapse of the sun.  The video showcases the most exciting moments the...

GoPro’s: Sharing the impossible!

Here at AAPL, we LOVE ourselves some GoPro’s.  This nifty little camera has become somewhat of an office toy as well as a very helpful assistant in adding that something extra to our corporate and marketing videos.  This is probably one of the most fun pieces of...

You had us at Nanopixels…

NANOPIXELS!!!   Yes, that’s right the good people at Oxford has made the breakthrough and now there are pixels that can increase screen resolution by up to 150 times! Have we mentioned that we are excited?  We realise that to the human eye this might not even...

If you are a techi/video geek like myself, this is definitely something that might tickle your fancy. is an exciting new software platform to encourage collaboration by making it simpler to do so. Although the software has not yet been released it promises...