Editing & After Effects

Some might argue that Editing is the most important part of the production process. It truly is the glue, which brings it all together and makes a story comprehensible in the end.
If you have a project in need of a revamp, something you’ve shot yourself but don’t have the know how to edit it, or video we might have filmed for you and you want to add in that extra something, allow AAPL‘s group of trained editors to take your project to the next level. Whether it be SD, HD, Ultra HD or super HD 4K/8K files – we can convert, compress or deliver them in which ever format you might prefer.
AAPL uses industry standard, After Effects as our software of choice for all your visual effect needs. As with design programs like Photoshop and Illustrator, After Effects is good for alternating image shapes and sizes as well as fixing colour and skin tones. Apart from offering a wide variety of filters, After Effects also has plug-ins for different types of visual effects such as simulating water, fire or turning film into cartoon.

Final Cut Pro is Apple’s top tier competitor for Adobe’s Premier Pro. Final Cut Pro 7 has in recent years become the professional’s choice with AAPL editors following suit. This software gives editors the opportunity to enhance stability, speed as well as productivity. A variety of ProRes options allows for editing all resolutions from “normal” to your more “high end” quality. It’s easy export option allows for Blu-Ray support, which allows you to burn Blu-Ray discs directly from within Final Cut Pro. Apart from all the techie reasons the simple fact of the matter is, that when compared to other editing software when it comes to speed and efficiency, Final Cut Pro comes in first every time. This is as close to perfect as pro editing solutions come.